Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Butterfly Release June 2, 2013

Join us in the Butterfly Release
June 2, 2013
in Memory or in Honor of a Loved One
or Yourself
Purchase a butterfly to share with the springtime

 in either Reading at the Berks Heritage Center
1102 Red Bridge Road

 or in Pottstown at the VNA Office
at 1963 High Street

Hope Takes Flight

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Caring for the Caregivers: Nature for Self-Care

Caring for the Caregivers:
Nature for Self-Care

A Program for the Support Group

Anne Nuss, Facilitator
Reading Hospital, Healing Garden
May 13, 2013

Hospice Nurses: A Personal Note

Hospice Nurses:
A Personal Note from an Admirer
(Spiritual Counselor/Chaplain)
How do you walk into a home and bring comfort and peace to a family in the midst of losing a cherished loved one?  I wouldn't be able to believe it unless I had seen it for myself. 
Since beginning my work with hospice two years ago, I have marveled at how our nurses find a way to reach into the lives of patients and families to guide them through the steps along the difficult path toward death. 
 I have learned a lot from our nurses.  My favorite practical tip is to mix root beer with morphine or other nasty-tasting liquid medicines.  Other good tips include using the simple, easy ways to keep someone comfortable.   Ice-packs made with baggies or frozen washcloths work well.  And most of all is the support they give to the patients and family members.  When someone comes in who has been there before, they can assure you that you will get through this journey too. 
And the many reminders they give us that we continue living until our very last breath. Nurses show caregivers how to do personal care and how to communicate through touch and gentle words.  How many of our caregivers are new to taking care of someone else in an intimate manner?  Or even spending hours, days, or months of time with a relative in need? How many of us fear illness and death?  And when it comes to a dear family member, how can we ever imagine that they will really die?

No matter when we need their help, nurses will be there.  So be kind to a hospice nurse.  Maybe ever treat him or her to lunch. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

More Blessings for Nurses-- For Nurses' Week

Here are some more blessings:
More blessings.  Think of some more for your situation.  Share the blessings. 

Blessed be the hands that touch young lives – babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Blessed be the hands that embrace others with compassion.

Blessed be the hands that administer medicine, give aspirins, bandage wounds.

Blessed be the hands that prepare meals.

Blessed be the hands that wash dishes, clean floors, arrange flowers.

Blessed be the hands that anoint the sick and offer blessings.

Blessed be the hands that grow stiff with age.

Blessed be the hands that comfort the dying and have held the dead.

Blessed be the hands that capture a memory in art and poetry and song.

Blessed be the hands that guide the young.

Blessed be the hands that greet strangers.

Blessed be the hands that learn the way of justice.

Blessed be the hands that fill out applications, write papers, carry books, send e-mails.

Blessed be the hands that receive and sort information, and hands that determine budgets.

Blessed be the hands; we hold the future in these hands.

Blessed be our hands, for they are the work of your hands, O Holy One.

Go in peace. Serve the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


National Nurses Week: Blessing of the Hands

National Nurses Week
May 6-11
Celebrating the dedication of all our wonderful nurses. 
Thank you for all you do.
There are some wonderful resources on the web for the celebration of National Nurses Week.  Here is the one for the blessing of the hands.  

May you be blessed with a spirit of gentleness and a heart that is tender.
May you be blessed with a spirit of strength shining within  you.
May you be blessed with a spirit of compassion and a fervent caring.
May you be blessed with a spirit of courage, daring to be who you are.
May you be blessed with a spirit of openness, understanding, and respect.
May the earth hold you.
May the wind lift you ever up.
May the fire draw and warm you.
May the water soothe your soul.
May you walk in oneness of purpose, extending grace and dignity with your whole being.